Maria Nevelson, Founder, Louise Nevelson Foundation

My mission with LNF is contributing special projects to Louise Nevelson's Legacy with an eye on their relevancy 50 years from now.

I established this foundation for my Grandmother in 2005 because nobody had done so and I could see she was slipping from people's awareness in art history.  In her day, she was a living icon in American Art and revered.  Louise Nevelson was constantly having exhibitions and in the news, received accolades and numerous university honorary degrees, and even invited to the White House by President Jimmy Carter and President Ronald Reagan.  I can tell you more but you really need to ask me because way too much to write here.

I wake up in the morning and say to myself "What can you give today?" and have to remind myself for the bills to say "What can I get today?".  The Louise Nevelson Foundation is all about what can I give today, and tomorrow, and beyond.  Please join me in doing what you can for the LOUISE NEVELSON LEGACY.  And don't forget to tell me about it!