External link opens in new tab or windowOn This Spot NYC

External link opens in new tab or windowPERSISTENCE: Louise Nevelson's Legacy

Maria Nevelson with Lynn Gilbert and Joyce Pomeroy Schwartz

External link opens in new tab or windowLouise Nevelson: Awareness in the Fourth Dimension

Dale Schierholt for the Farnsworth Art Museum


External link opens in new tab or windowPortrait of an Artist - Louise Nevelson: In Process

Jill Godmilow and Susan Fanshel

External link opens in new tab or windowLouise Nevelson: Geometry + Magic

Diana MacKown and Rawn Fulton/Searchlight Films


External link opens in new tab or windowOccupant

Edward Albee

& a SONG!

External link opens in new tab or windowLouise's Church

Laura Nyro